Leaders in Hazardous, Non Hazardous & Liquid Industrial Waste Processing and Disposal.
In 2006 Panda Environmental Services Inc. opened an Industrial Waste Process and Transfer Facility located in Ayr Ontario at 132 Earl Thompson Place N0B 1E0, , just off Highway 401 at Cedar Creek Road.
We are proud to be able to offer a more complete solution to meet our clients needs.
Our Process Facility can accept L, C and T class material from the following waste codes: 111-114, 121-123, 131-135, 141-150, 211-213, 221, 222, 231-233, 241, 251-254 and 261-270.
Our Employees are trained in Hazardous Waste Handling Procedures, Regulation 347, TDG, WHMIS, First Aid, Confined Space, Personal Protective Equipment, Loading and Unloading Procedures, Energy Response Training and thrive on maintaining safe work practices for themselves and contract workers alike.
For more information call 1-800-745-4140 or contact us for a quote today.